20 July 2011
James Caldwell, director at Fair Investment Company, talks about finding better rates on savings accounts for charities and businesses.
At Fair Investment Company we have worked with a range of high street and private banks to bring charities and businesses better rates on their savings.
One of the main problems for these organisations is the lack of options available for cash savings and the difficulty securing a reasonable rate of return on deposits.
To address this we have sourced some of the best available accounts for charities and businesses, allowing you to compare side by side what’s on offer from some of the leading fixed term deposits or instant access accounts available.
At the moment we have a competitive fixed term account available from Cater Allen Private Bank, part of the Santander Group.
On the Cater Allen 3 Year Fixed Term Deposit for charities and businesses there is a fixed rate of 3.20 per cent AER interest, while the bank’s 2 Year Fixed Term Deposit for charities and businesses pays 2.65 per cent AER.
The interest on these accounts can be as much as three times that paid on accounts offered directly by the major high street banks.
Short term accounts and instant access
Our range of savings accounts includes an 18-month bond, one year fixed account and seven day notice accounts.
We also have an Instant Transfer Account for charities from Scottish Widows that pays up to 1.50 per cent AER interest.
Click here to compare charity savings accounts »
Click here for business savings accounts »
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