Fair Investment

Prudential Finds Retirement Age Rising To Meet Pensions ‘crisis’

Pension News Long Term Savers Should 'consider Pension Cash'
22 June 2007
Fewer than half of UK adults expect to stop working by 65 amid fears that retirement savings will not provide for a comfortable old age, Prudential has revealed.

While 45 per cent of UK adults said they anticipated working after the standard retirement age, one in five expected to have to sell their home to fund their later years.

A panic-stricken 14 per cent thought they would “never” be able to afford to retire, indicating the depth of the pension crisis for some people in the UK.

Meanwhile, working years seemed to stretching further and further into the distance, with 17 per cent of people aiming to retire between the ages of 66 and 70 and a steadfast nine per cent saying they expected to retire after their seventieth birthday.

“Few people will be able to rely just on a pension to provide retirement income,” claimed Gary Shaughnessy, managing director at Prudential Retail Life & Pensions.

Many homeowners will choose to supplement their income with non-pension savings, investments and equity in property, he said.

Meanwhile, Scottish Widows spokesperson Ian Naismith has warned Channel 4’s News at Noon that women may be giving lower priority to retirement planning than men.

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