MB UK 6Y Annual Step Down to 80 Kick Out Deposit Plan Y2

MB UK 6Y Annual Step Down to 80 Kick Out Deposit Plan Y2

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Capital protected defensive plan: Potential 5.3% per year growth, even if the FTSE falls by 20% over six years…

The balance between a good level of growth and still receiving a return even if the market goes down slightly could make this capital protected plan very popular
Oliver Roylance-Smith

Oliver Roylance-Smith

Head of Savings and Investments

The MB UK 6Y Annual Step Down to 80 Kick Out Deposit Plan Y2 offers a potential 5.3% interest per year (not compounded) with full capital protection. 

This plan will ‘kick out’ and return your initial capital plus 5.3% for each year invested (not compounded), provided the level of the FTSE 100 Index is above the required level at the end of each year. The required level is 100% of its starting value at the end of years 2 and 3, 95% at the end of year 4, 90% at the end of year 5 and 80% at the end of the 6 year term. So the plan could offer 5.3% annual returns, even if the FTSE falls by 20% at the end of the term.

This product offers the same capital protection as any other savings account, and as a deposit, also includes FSCS cover up to the banks & building societies £85,000 compensation limit. It can also be held as a cash ISA and accepts ISA transfers to take advantage of tax free returns. 

Depending on your views of what might happen to the FTSE in the coming years, this plan offers the opportunity for a good level of growth return, even if the market goes down slightly.

Plan Details

Potential Return: 5.3% for each  year invested (not compounded), if the FTSE is above required kick out level

Required kick out level reduces from 100% to 80% over the term

Potential to mature early (kick out) each year from year 2 onwards

Capital Protected Product

Eligible for the Financial Services Compensation Scheme up to £85,000 for an individual or up to £170,000 for a joint deposit account

Available for 2024/25 Cash ISA, 2025/26 Cash ISA, ISA Transfer and Direct Investments. Also available to businesses, charities, trusts and SIPP and SSAS pension schemes

Investment term: Maximum 6 Years

Arrangement fee applies

Minimum single investment: £5,000

Maximum ISA investment: £20,000

No maximum for ISA transfers and non-ISA investments


ISA Transfer Applications: 2 April  2025
2024/25 ISA Applications: 4 April  2025
Direct & 2025/26 ISA Applications: 23 April  2025

Important Information: This is a structured deposit plan and is capital protected. There is a risk that the company backing the plan or any company associated with the plan may be unable to repay your initial investment and any returns stated. In this event you may be entitled to compensation from the  Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), depending on your individual circumstances. In addition, you may not get back the full amount of your initial investment if the plan is not held for the full term.

MB UK 6Y Annual Step Down to 80 Kick Out Deposit Plan Y2 April 2025

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