Morgan Stanley Loan

Morgan Stanley Loan

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Top UK Personal Loan Offer

Great Personal Loan Rate from the Post Office

  • Rates from 5.3% APR*
  • Loans available for 1 to 7 years
  • Borrow up to £25,000
  • No arrangement fees or hidden charges
  • Instant online decision
  • Funds transferred within 2 working days
  • No penalty for over payments
  • Good credit history only
Post Office Personal Loan » *Representative for loans between £7,500 and £14,999

Selected Personal Loan Deals

Loan Type
AA Personal Loan
6.1% APR
Representative (£7,500-£24,999)
Loan Term
1 to 7 Years
£1,000 to £25,000
Representative Example: Based on a loan of £10,000 at 6.1% per annum fixed for 5 years. Representative 6.1% APR. Total amount repayable £11,581.78 at £193.03 per month for 60 months.
Loan Type
Santander Personal Loan
6.0% APR
Representative (£7,500-£25,000)
Loan Term
1 to 5 Years

£1,000 to £25,000
Excellent Credit Only!

Representative Example: Based on a loan of £10,000 at 6.0% per annum fixed for 5 years. Representative 6.0% APR. Total amount repayable £11,555.40 at £192.59 per month for 60 months.
Loan Type
M&S Bank Personal Loan
6.2% APR
Representative (£7,500-£15,000)
Loan Term
1 to 7 Years

£1,000 to £25,000
Excellent Credit Only!

Representative Example: Based on a loan of £10,000 at 6.2% per annum fixed for 5 years. Representative 6.2% APR. Total amount repayable £11,608.20 at £193.47 per month for 60 months.

Are you an existing customer of one of the banks below?

If you are an existing customer a number of banks provide preferential deals for personal loans.

Selected Existing Customer Loan Deals

There are no tables for this criteria

A Morgan Stanley loan is one of many in a growing market. They offer a competitive typical APR and a variety of other advantages, such as:

  • Guaranteed fixed rate for the duration of the loan
  • A decision in minutes if you apply online
  • No arrangement fee
  • Your account can be credited on the next working day after receipt of your signed loan form

When you are looking for a loan, it is always important to shop around if you are to find the best possible deal for your circumstances. To do this, you can use our free and simple online loan calculator to compare a number of deals from some of the leading UK lenders, or click on the links below.

Homeowner Loan Representative Example:

The Representative APRC is 5.9%Based on an assumed loan amount of £48,000 (including broker fee of £2,505 & product fee of £495) over 240 months at an interest rate of 5% (varaible). Monthly repayment £316.78 & total repayable £76,027.20.