Loan News Scots Saving A Year Of Their Lives On The Internet
31 May 2006
Scots taking care of their chores on the internet are saving up to a year of their life, according to research from Lloyds TSB Scotland.
Over 90 per cent of Scots admit to being unable to live without the internet, as it saves them so much time for the more mundane things in life, such as comparing and applying for loans and everyday banking.
Estimates from Lloyds TSB Scotland suggest that it leaves them with an extra five days a year, or 305 days over their lifetime, for other things.
In response to the growing popularity of the internet and the growing demand for instantaneous gratification online, the high street bank has launched QuickSign.
The new service enables loan applications from internet banking customers to be processed immediately, giving them instant access to the loan requested, once it is approved.
“The growth of the internet has made it much easier and quicker for customers to manage their finances and other daily chores,” Walt Ramsey, Lloyds TSB’s consumer lending director, said.
“People now expect a quick decision when they apply for a product or service,” he continued. “With QuickSign, customers not only get an instant decision but also benefit from immediate access to their loan once it is approved.”
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