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Loan News Britons Happy Get A Loan For Plastic Surgery Finds Lloyds TSB 7706716

Britons happy get a loan for plastic surgery, finds Lloyds TSB

02 February 2005
Almost 60 per cent of people in Britain would be prepared to have plastic surgery a new study has found, with many willing to borrow money to foot the bill.

A poll canvassing the opinions of 1,200 people and commissioned by Lloyds TSB has revealed that nine in ten would change something about their appearance.

Furthermore, ten per cent would use a loan in order to have the procedure done, with Lloyds TSB’s Tony Gibbons underlining a shift in perception in the UK.

“Figures from the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, show cosmetic surgery operations rose by more than half last year,” he commented.

“This comes as no surprise to us as plastic surgery has become a standard request for getting a loan up there with home improvements and buying a car.”

“While there’s a mixture of people requesting money for medical reasons and self-improvement, ‘plastic surgery’ is becoming less of a taboo and people aren’t shy to admit that’s what they want to spend their money on.”

Banks are now increasingly fielding applications for loans relating to surgery, joining car purchases and home ownership as popular major purchases.

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