Liverpool Victoria Loan

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Top UK Personal Loan Offer

Great Personal Loan Rate from the Post Office

  • Rates from 5.3% APR*
  • Loans available for 1 to 7 years
  • Borrow up to £25,000
  • No arrangement fees or hidden charges
  • Instant online decision
  • Funds transferred within 2 working days
  • No penalty for over payments
  • Good credit history only
Post Office Personal Loan » *Representative for loans between £7,500 and £14,999

Selected Personal Loan Deals

Loan Type
AA Personal Loan
6.1% APR
Representative (£7,500-£24,999)
Loan Term
1 to 7 Years
£1,000 to £25,000
Representative Example: Based on a loan of £10,000 at 6.1% per annum fixed for 5 years. Representative 6.1% APR. Total amount repayable £11,581.78 at £193.03 per month for 60 months.
Loan Type
Santander Personal Loan
6.0% APR
Representative (£7,500-£25,000)
Loan Term
1 to 5 Years

£1,000 to £25,000
Excellent Credit Only!

Representative Example: Based on a loan of £10,000 at 6.0% per annum fixed for 5 years. Representative 6.0% APR. Total amount repayable £11,555.40 at £192.59 per month for 60 months.
Loan Type
M&S Bank Personal Loan
6.2% APR
Representative (£7,500-£15,000)
Loan Term
1 to 7 Years

£1,000 to £25,000
Excellent Credit Only!

Representative Example: Based on a loan of £10,000 at 6.2% per annum fixed for 5 years. Representative 6.2% APR. Total amount repayable £11,608.20 at £193.47 per month for 60 months.

Liverpool Victoria Loan

When LV loans were available they featured:

  • You could calculate the repayment terms that suited you before the start
  • Fixed loan repayments
  • Option to take a repayment holiday for the first three months

Although there is not currently a Liverpool Victoria loan available, you could look for loans from other providers with similar features.

You can get a quote today or compare deals from some of the other leading UK providers. You can use our loan calculator or check the above comparison tables to look at what some of your choices could be.

Loan calculator

If you are considering a loan with a particular lender you could use a loan calculator to get an indication of what one of their loans might cost you in repayments.

There is not currently a Liverpool Victoria loan calculator as there are not any LV loans currently available.

Many lenders do provide calculators however, you just need to enter how much you wish to borrow and how long you want the repayment period to be and the calculator could give you an idea of what the loan may cost.

Most calculators use the lender’s Representative Annual Percentage Rate to work out estimates; however the APR a lender can offer you, if you proceed to apply with a loan and get accepted, may vary from this.

This is because lenders may change the APR they are willing to offer a borrower following an assessment of their credit history and other financial circumstances.

Types of Loan

Before you apply for a loan you may want to think about what kind of loan might best suit your circumstances.

  • Personal Loans – Also known as unsecured loans are a type of loan that typically allows you to borrow up to £25,000 over a variable time period. Generally speaking the larger amount you wish to borrow the lower the rate of interest, however this does not mean you should take out a larger loan you cannot afford to service or repay.
  • Homeowner loan – If you want to borrow a larger amount of money and you own your home, then a homeowner loan may be a suitable option for you. As secured loans require you to use your property as security against the loan lenders are usually willing to loan more, usually up to £250,000 and with longer repayment terms. The actual amount you can borrow is dependent on the value of your home and how much equity you have if you have a mortgage.

Homeowner Loan Representative Example:

The Representative APRC is 5.9%Based on an assumed loan amount of £48,000 (including broker fee of £2,505 & product fee of £495) over 240 months at an interest rate of 5% (varaible). Monthly repayment £316.78 & total repayable £76,027.20.