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Investment News M&G Takes Top Spot 18471798

M&G takes top spot

M&G; takes top spot

17 April 2012 / by Oliver Roylance-Smith

M&G has enjoyed pride of place so far this year as a top performing investment house, not only taking 3 of our Top 10 fund picks for ISA season but also taking the number one slot for the most money taken during ISA season.

With all of the frantic activity leading up to the end of the tax year, it is useful to know which funds proved most popular with investors. We take a look at some of their most popular funds.

Top slot – M&G Optimal Income fund

M&G’s Optimal Income fund attracted more money during the month of March than any other fund, according to Financial Express, with net inflows of just over £424m. The fund also attracted the highest level of inflows over the whole first quarter of 2012, making it the most popular fund this year.

This popularity is based on solid and consistent past performance, outperforming its sector over one, three and six months, as well as one, three and five years to the end of February 2012, outperforming its sector by over 30%*. The manager Richard Woolnough has achieved a AA fund rating from OBSR and the fund is available for investment at 0% initial charge (£451 saving**) along with a 0.2% annual rebate via our Fund Supermarket. Get more information here »

Number 2 slot – M&G Global Dividend fund

Stuart Rhodes’ Global Dividend fund was the second biggest growing fund last month, taking £335.5m. This fund was launched in July 2008 and aims to deliver a dividend yield above market average by investing in a range of global equities, of which over 80% are currently invested overseas.

The fund has been top quartile over six months, one and three years, offers a quarterly income payment and is AA rated by OBSR having returned 75.15%* over the last 3 years. This fund is available at 0% initial charge (£451 saving**) and a 0.2% annual rebate via our Fund Supermarket. Get more information here »

Top 10 biggest sellers

M&G has one further entry in the Top 10 biggest sellers with their Strategic Corporate Bond fund, also managed by Richard Woolnough. This fund sits in the corporate bond sector and has outperformed over three and six months, as well as one, three and five years, helping it to achieve a AA rating by OBSR.

The fund is the number one fund in its sector over five years, outperforming by over 35%, and is available at 0% initial charge (£338 saving) and a 0.1% annual rebate via our Fund Supermarket. Get more information here »

Fair Investment Top 10 fund picks

In addition to the above biggest sellers, M&G grabbed another place in our own Top 10 funds for ISA season with their Recovery fund. This fund has the maximum AAA rating from OBSR and has had top quartile performance over the last three and five years, returning 70.50% over the last three years.

The fund’s sole aim is capital growth and it invests in a diversified range of securities issues by companies which are out of favour, in difficulty or whose future prospects are not fully recognized by the market. This fund is available at 0% initial charge (£451 saving**) and a 0.2% annual rebate. Get more information here »

How to apply – the Fair Investment Fund Supermarket

Applying is easy and can be done either by post or online, via our online investor service. Simply click on any of the links above and follow the step by step instructions. Note that for new ISA investments you will need a debit card and your National Insurance number at hand. If you have any questions or need help with applying, contact our Investment Helpline on 0845 308 2525.

* data correct as at 29/02/2012
** based on the maximum contribution of £11,280 into a Stocks & Shares ISA

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The value of investments and income from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the full amount invested. Different types of investment carry different levels of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.

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