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Investment News Jupiter Wins Outstanding Investment Award 18469881

Jupiter wins outstanding investment award

14 September 2009 / by Rebecca Sargent

Jupiter has been awarded the Outstanding Investment House Honour in the 2009 OBSR awards as it continues to have a successful track record throughout a range of asset classes.

OBSR is one of the UK’s most respected fund research companies, and rates investment funds based on a number of factors. Fifteen out of Jupiter’s 31 funds are rated by OBSR, eight of which have AAA ratings.

Commenting on the prestigious award, Edward Bonham Carter, chief executive of Jupiter Asset Management said: “I am delighted that Jupiter has won this important accolade. I believe this award is a reflection of the culture we have here at Jupiter.

“Rather than employing a house process, which effectively forces managers to invest with one hand behind their backs, we give them the freedom to back their judgement.

“The fact that many of our managers have now worked together for 10 years or more and invest their own assets in Jupiter funds, together with the fact that some 95 per cent of employees own shares in the business, creates a strong culture where our interests are aligned with those of investors.

“Our managers are passionate about what they do here – and that is reflected in terms of our long term performance record,” he adds.

OBSR says that in the general UK retail investment universe it rates approximately 10 per cent of funds, while it rates almost 50 per cent of Jupiter’s.

Richard Romer-Lee, research director at OBSR adds: “We are looking to acknowledge companies committed to the retail market that have a relevant and good quality range of funds.

“Jupiter, despite a change of ownership, has been remarkably stable from an outsider’s perspective, and it harbours a number of outstanding managers, all of whom have managed money for a long time.”

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  Product Name ISA Option Income Yield More Info
Jupiter Income Trust 4.60% More Info >
Income Paid Twice Yearly. Income fund with a strong performance record that invests mainly in UK equities to provide an income that will rise at least in line with inflation. See latest fund factsheet for details.
Jupiter Merlin Income Portfolio 3.10% More Info >
To achieve a high and rising income with some potential for capital growth by investing predominantly in unit trusts, OEICs, Exchange Traded Funds and other collective investment schemes across several management groups. The underlying funds invest in equities, fixed interest stocks, commodities and property, principally in the UK. See latest fund factsheet for details.

*Current Income Yields are Gross, Variable & Not Guaranteed

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General risk warnings
  • The list of funds/investments provided above should not be seen in any way as being a recommendation. No advice has been given and you should be aware that any investment which takes place will be transacted on a “non-advised sale” basis.
  • Full details of the investments will be provided in the documentation/brochure sent to you and it is up to you to ensure that you fully understand the nature of the investment before proceeding. If you are at all unsure of the suitability of the type of investment, both in respect of its objectives and its risk profile, you should seek independent financial advice.
Collective investments

  • Collective investments such as unit trusts are designed as medium to long term investments, for example at least five years.
  • The value of your investment and the level of any income received from it can fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed and you may not get back the amount of your original investment.
  • Any income yield quoted is correct at the time of going to press. Income yields vary and are only estimates. The actual dividend income that you receive will depend upon the income payable by the underlying assets of the fund and could change, either up or down, at any time. Dividend income from an ISA will, under current legislation, be free of UK income tax. Dividend income paid from a fund not held within an ISA will be subject to income tax, which may or may not be reclaimable depending upon your circumstances and the type of investment. In some cases, there may be additional income tax to pay.
  • If you choose a fund which invests overseas, there is the addition of “exchange rate” risk which could reduce any gains or increase losses if the currency moves against you.
  • Dividend income paid from a fund not held within an ISA will be subject to income tax, which may or may not be reclaimable depending upon your circumstances and the type of investment. In some cases, there may be additional income tax to pay.
Specific ISA warnings
  • The tax efficiency of ISAs is based on current tax law and there is no guarantee that tax rules will stay the same in the future.
  • Dividend income from a stocks and shares ISA will, under current legislation, be free of further liability to UK income tax whether this is paid out or automatically reinvested.

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  Product Name ISA Option More Info
Environmental Income More Info >
Focuses on investing in socially responsible companies to an income and long-term capital growth prospects. Save 100% on Initial Charges.
Jupiter Ecology More Info >
The objective of the Fund is to achieve long-term capital appreciation together with a growing income consistent with a policy of protecting the environment. The Fund’s investment policy is to invest worldwide in companies which demonstrate a positive commitment to the long-term protection of the environment. See latest fund factsheet for details.

Disclaimer (Please Read)

General risk warnings
  • The list of funds/investments provided above should not be seen in any way as being a recommendation. No advice has been given and you should be aware that any investment which takes place will be transacted on a “non-advised sale” basis.
  • Full details of the investments will be provided in the documentation/brochure sent to you and it is up to you to ensure that you fully understand the nature of the investment before proceeding. If you are at all unsure of the suitability of the type of investment, both in respect of its objectives and its risk profile, you should seek independent financial advice.
Collective investments

  • Collective investments such as unit trusts are designed as medium to long term investments, for example at least five years.
  • The value of your investment and the level of any income received from it can fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed and you may not get back the amount of your original investment.
  • Any income yield quoted is correct at the time of going to press. Income yields vary and are only estimates. The actual dividend income that you receive will depend upon the income payable by the underlying assets of the fund and could change, either up or down, at any time. Dividend income from an ISA will, under current legislation, be free of UK income tax. Dividend income paid from a fund not held within an ISA will be subject to income tax, which may or may not be reclaimable depending upon your circumstances and the type of investment. In some cases, there may be additional income tax to pay.
  • If you choose a fund which invests overseas, there is the addition of “exchange rate” risk which could reduce any gains or increase losses if the currency moves against you.
  • Dividend income paid from a fund not held within an ISA will be subject to income tax, which may or may not be reclaimable depending upon your circumstances and the type of investment. In some cases, there may be additional income tax to pay.
Specific ISA warnings
  • The tax efficiency of ISAs is based on current tax law and there is no guarantee that tax rules will stay the same in the future.
  • Dividend income from a stocks and shares ISA will, under current legislation, be free of further liability to UK income tax whether this is paid out or automatically reinvested.

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