Fair Investment

Investment News Investment ISA 750percent Potential Annual Income 18471780

Investment ISA: 7.50% potential annual income

Investment ISA: 7.50% potential annual income

15 March 2012 / by Oliver Roylance-Smith

“Headline yields of at least 7% are always worth investigating further and the Bonus Income Plan from Investec does not disappoint. You receive a fixed return of 7% each year, regardless of the performance of the FTSE 100, with the potential for an extra 0.5% each year the Index finishes higher than its starting value.

The plan also includes conditional capital protection, which means that your initial capital will be returned in full unless the FTSE falls by more than 50% during the investment term. Based on yesterday’s closing value this means the FTSE would have to fall below 2,973 and when compared to other high yielding funds that put your capital at risk, this really is a competitive option.

You can also take advantage of your ISA allowance for both the current tax year and the next on a single application, transfer existing ISAs and make non-ISA investments.”

Oliver Roylance-Smith, head of investments and savings

 Learn more about the Investec Bonus Income Plan and how to apply here »

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