Invesco Perpetual Monthly Income Plus Fund popular with income seekers
01 August 2012 / by James Caldwell
The Invesco Perpetual Monthly Income Plus Fund is the most popular fund choice for investors using the Fair Investment fund supermarket over the last 12 months.
80% Invested in Bonds
The fund managed by fixed income specialists Paul Causer and Paul Read seeks to achieve a high level of income whilst seeking to maximise total return through investing in high yield corporate and government bonds. The fund portfolio has at least 80% invested in bonds with a maximum of 20% invested in equities. Along with income generation capital security is a priority for the fund managers.
Low Interest Rate Environment
Commenting on why the Invesco Perpetual Monthly Income Plus Fund is so popular with investors James Caldwell Director of Fair Investment said “In the current low interest environment income seekers are looking for good investment options. The combination of a compelling income yield and the fact that income is paid monthly along with a solid investment performance track record makes this fund a stand out choice”.
Investors can buy into the fund via the Fair Investment Fund Supermarket at nil initial charge. In addition investors can benefit from a lower discounted annual management charge.
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© Fair Investment Company Limited
Invesco Perpetual Monthly Income Plus Fund
Fund Manager | Fund | Fund Manager Initial Charge¹ | AMC³ | Income Yield* | Select Fund° | Fact Sheet | How to Invest |
Invesco Perpetual Monthly Income Plus | 0% | 0.63% | 4.46% | Factsheet | Apply Now > |
*Current Income Yields are Gross, Variable and Not Guaranteed as at 28/2/14 – See latest Fund Factsheet for details.
³AMC is the Annual Management Charge applied by the Fund Manager.
°Select Fund – See how our funds are selected
Bonds: To provide the potential for overall returns these funds invest in bonds, also known as fixed interest securities. This is achieved by receiving regular interest on loans to companies or governments. There is a chance the bond issuer could fall into financial difficulty and will not be able to pay the interest or the loan back, which could result in a fall in your investment returns. Bonds can also be sensitive to trends in interest rate movements and if interest rates go up, the returns on your investment are likely to fall as bonds can become less attractive. On the other hand, if interest rates fall, bonds are likely to become more attractive and your investment returns increase.
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