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Investment Funds News Schroders Income Maximiser Fund Exceeds Target Yield Again 18470432

Schroders' Income Maximiser Fund exceeds target yield again

Schroders’ Income Maximiser Fund exceeds target yield again

09 February 2010 / by Andy Davies

Schroders has announced that its Income Maximiser Fund has exceeded its target yield of seven per cent for the fourth consecutive year.

In the last year, the Schroder Income Maximiser Fund, which actively seeks to provide an income through a portfolio of higher-yielding UK large cap stocks, has achieved a yield of 7.3 per cent.

Commenting, Thomas See, head of Schroders structured fund management and manager of the Income Maximiser Fund said that the fund’s aim is to offer investors a higher level of income than can be generated by other traditional equity income funds, but “without the risks normally associated with high yielding investment products”.

“This Fund allows investors to benefit not only from an enhanced income stream, but also potential long-term capital growth.

“As concerns about the economy and corporate profits continue, we believe that the types of companies we favour in Schroder Income Maximiser – those with high yields, cheap valuations, strong balance sheets and resilient earnings streams – when coupled with the overlay strategy, offer investors defensive characteristics as well as attractive opportunities in absolute terms,” he said.

Meanwhile, Robin Stoakley, managing director at Schroders UK Intermediary Business, suggests that the Income Maximiser Fund is an “attractive option” for high income-seeking investors who also want an investment with growth potential in “today’s volatile environment”.

“The Fund continues to be one of the most innovative funds on the market and with its four year track record has proved to be a great investment for income-seeking investors,” he added.

© Fair Investment Company Ltd


  Product Name ISA Option Income Yield More Info
Henderson Strategic Bond 5.7% More Info >
Income Paid Quarterly. Investing in higher yielding assets which will include most types of fixed interest securities, this fund aims to deliver a quarterly income to investors. See latest fund factsheet for details.
Newton Asian Income 5.43% More Info >
Income Paid Quarterly.The objective of the Sub-Fund is to achieve income together with long-term capital growth predominantly through investments in securities in Asia Pacific ex Japan (including Australia & New Zealand) region. The Sub-Fund may also invest in collective investment schemes. See latest fund factsheet for details.
Newton Higher Income 5.4% More Info >
Income Paid Quarterly. The objective of the Fund is to achieve increasing distributions on a calendar year basis with long term capital growth. The Fund may also invest in collective investment schemes. See latest fund factsheet for details.
Invesco Perpetual Distribution 4.7% More Info >
Income Paid Monthly. Invesco Perpetual Distribution offers a balance between both income and capital growth through investment in UK based equities and fixed interest securities. See latest fund factsheet for details.
Invesco Perpetual Monthly Income Plus 4.46% More Info >
Income Paid Monthly. Popular income fund that aims to achieve a high level of income whilst seeking to maximise total return through investing in high yielding corporate and Government bonds, together with UK equities. See latest fund factsheet for details.
Woodford Equity Income Fund 3.50% More Info >
Our selected partner for investing in Neil Woodford’s Equity Income fund is Barclays Stockbrokers, via their INVESTMENT ISA for new ISAs and ISA transfers, or their MARKETMASTER® ACCOUNT for non-ISA investments. Income Paid Quarterly.The fund’s investment objective is to provide investors with long-term appreciation through investing in stocks primarily listed on the UK stock exchanges. Up to 20% may be invested in international companies. The income objective is 10% higher than the FTSE All Share Index yield with an anticipated annual yield of 4.0%.
Newton Global Higher Income 4.7% More Info >
Income Paid Quarterly. The objective of the Sub-Fund is to achieve increasing annual distributions together with long-term capital growth from investing predominantly in global securities. The Sub-Fund may also invest in collective investment schemes. See latest fund factsheet for details.
Jupiter Merlin Income Portfolio 3.10% More Info >
Income Paid Quarterly. To achieve a high and rising income with some potential for capital growth by investing predominantly in unit trusts, OEICs, Exchange Traded Funds and other collective investment schemes across several management groups. The underlying funds invest in equities, fixed interest stocks, commodities and property, principally in the UK. See latest fund factsheet for details.
M&G; Global Dividend 3.27% More Info >
Income Paid Quarterly. The Fund aims to deliver a dividend yield above the market average, by investing mainly in a range of global equities. The Fund aims to grow distributions over the long-term whilst also maximising total return (the combination of income and growth of capital). See latest fund factsheet for details.
Kames Strategic Bond 2.95% More Info >
The primary investment objective is to maximise total return (income plus capital ) by investing in global debt instruments,denominated in any currency, ranging from AAA Government Bonds through to high yield and emerging market corporate bonds. At least 50% of the fund will be invested in sterling and other currency denominated bonds hedged back to sterling. See latest fund factsheet for details.
M&G; Optimal Income 2.44% More Info >
Income Paid Twice Yearly.The fund aims to provide a total return to investors based on exposure to optimal income streams in investment markets. The fund invests across a broad range of fixed income assets according to where the fund manager identifies value. See latest fund factsheet for details.
*Current Income Yields are Gross, Variable and Not Guaranteed
**Historic Yield reflects distributions declared over the past 12 months as a percentage of the mid-market price of the fund.
*** This is the target yield the fund aims to achieve per year, it is not guaranteed and could change according to prevailing market conditions. The target yield is net of basic rate tax.
Information correct as at 08/02/2012.

The value of investments and any return from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the full amount invested. Please ensure that you read the Important Risk Information below. 

Fund Manager Fund Fund Manager Initial Charge¹ AMC³ Income Yield* Select Fund° Fact Sheet How to Invest
Woodford Equity Income Fund 0% 0.75% 3.50% Factsheet Apply Now >
Our selected partner for investing in Neil Woodford’s Equity Income fund is Barclays Stockbrokers, via their INVESTMENT ISA for new ISAs and ISA transfers, or their MARKETMASTER® ACCOUNT for non-ISA investments. Income Paid Quarterly.The fund’s investment objective is to provide investors with long-term appreciation through investing in stocks primarily listed on the UK stock exchanges. Up to 20% may be invested in international companies. The income objective is 10% higher than the FTSE All Share Index yield with an anticipated annual yield of 4.0%.
        Apply Now >
*This is the target yield the fund aims to achieve per year, it is not guaranteed and could change according to prevailing market conditions. 
Information correct as at 11/02/2015.

The value of investments and any return from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the full amount invested. Please ensure that you read the Important Risk Information below. 

Fund Manager Fund Sector Factsheet More info
M&G; Recovery UK All Companies Factsheet More Info >
The Fund’s sole aim is capital growth by investing predominantly in a diversified range of securities issued by companies which are out of favour, in difficulty or whose future prospects are not fully recognised by the market. See latest fund factsheet for details.
BlackRock Gold & General Specialist Factsheet More Info >
This is a specialist unit trust which aims to achieve long term capital growth by investing in gold mining and precious metal-related shares. It tends to be volatile and is particularly suitable for diversification in a larger portfolio. See latest fund factsheet for details.
M&G; Global Basics Global Growth Factsheet More Info >
The Fund’s sole aim is long-term capital growth. The Fund is a global equity fund which invests wholly or mainly in companies operating in basic industries (‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ industries) and also in companies that service these industries. The Fund may also invest in other global equities. See latest fund factsheet for details.
First State Global Emerging Markets Leaders Global Emerging Markets Factsheet More Info >
The Fund aims to achieve long-term capital growth. The Fund invests worldwide in large and mid capitalisation equities in emerging economies, including those of companies listed on developed market exchanges whose activities predominantly take place in emerging market countries. See latest fund factsheet for details.
RCM BRIC Stars Specialist Factsheet More Info >
The aim of the fund is to produce long-term capital growth by investing predominantly in the equity markets of Brazil, Russia, India and China. Up to a third of the fund’s assets may be invested in companies based in other countries that are likely to benefit from the BRIC phenomenon. See latest fund factsheet for details.
Global Listed Infrastructure Infrastructure Factsheet More Info >
The Fund’s objective is to deliver capital growth and inflation-protected income by investing in a globally diversified portfolio of listed infrastructure and infrastructure-related securities. See latest fund factsheet for details.
Jupiter Merlin Growth Portfolio Active Managed Factsheet More Info >
To achieve long-term capital growth by investing predominantly in unit trusts, OEICs, Exchange Traded Funds and other collective investment schemes across several management groups. The underlying funds invest in international equities, fixed interest stocks, commodities and property, with a core in the UK. See latest fund factsheet for details.
Jupiter Ecology Global Growth Factsheet More Info >
The objective of the Fund is to achieve long-term capital appreciation together with a growing income consistent with a policy of protecting the environment. The Fund’s investment policy is to invest worldwide in companies which demonstrate a positive commitment to the long-term protection of the environment. See latest fund factsheet for details.
Investec Cautious Managed Cautious Managed Factsheet More Info >
The Fund aims to provide a combination of income and long term capital growth by investing conservatively in a diversified portfolio of equities, bonds and other fixed interest securities of high quality and marketability. At all times the Fund’s equity exposure will be limited to a maximum of 60% of the portfolio value. See latest fund factsheet for details.
Jupiter Merlin Worldwide Portfolio Worldwide Growth Factsheet More Info >
To achieve long-term capital growth by investing predominantly in unit trusts, OEICs, Exchange Traded Funds and other collective investment schemes across several management groups. The underlying funds invest in international equities, fixed interest stocks, commodities and property. See latest fund factsheet for details.

The value of investments and any return from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the full amount invested. Please ensure that you read the Important Risk Information below. 

Fund Manager Fund Sector Factsheet More info
Henderson Global Technology Technology Factsheet More Info >
To aim to provide capital growth by investing in companies worldwide that derive, or are expected to derive, profits from technology. The fund manager’s investment style is driven mainly by indentifying key industry themes backed up by bottom up stock analysis. See latest fund factsheet for details.
Investec Global Energy Energy Factsheet More Info >
The Fund aims to achieve long term capital growth primarily through investment in equities issued by companies around the globe involved in the exploration, production or distribution of oil, gas and other energy sources or companies which service the energy industry and in derivatives the underlying assets of which are equities issued by companies around the globe involved in the exploration, production or distribution of oil, gas and other energy sources or companies which service the energy industry. See latest fund factsheet for details.
JP Morgan Natural Resources Specialist Factsheet More Info >
The Fund aims to invest primarily in the shares of companies throughout the world engaged in the production and marketing of commodities. The fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term.See latest fund factsheet for details.
Agrisar Fund Specialist Factsheet More Info >
The Fund seeks to achieve capital appreciation. In order to achieve its investment objective, the Fund will invest in a global and diversified portfolio of investments which provide exposure to the agricultural sector. See latest fund factsheet for details.
Jupiter Ecology Global Growth Factsheet More Info >
The objective of the Fund is to achieve long-term capital appreciation together with a growing income consistent with a policy of protecting the environment. The Fund’s investment policy is to invest worldwide in companies which demonstrate a positive commitment to the long-term protection of the environment. See latest fund factsheet for details.
Schroders Global Property Securities Property Factsheet More Info >
The Fund’s investment objective is to provide a total return primarily through investment in real estate investment trusts, equity and debt securities of other types of property companies worldwide. Investment will be in directly held transferable securities. The Fund may also invest in collective investment schemes, derivatives, cash, deposits, warrants and money market instruments. See latest fund factsheet for details.
Investec Global Gold Specialist Factsheet More Info >
The Fund aims to achieve long term capital growth primarily through investment in equities issued by companies around the globe involved in gold mining and in derivatives the underlying assets of which are equities issued by companies around the globe involved in gold mining. See latest fund factsheet for details.
AXA Framlington Biotech Specialist Factsheet More Info >
To provide long term capital appreciation by investing principally in equity securities of companies in the biotechnology, genomics and medical research industries worldwide. See latest fund factsheet for details.

The value of investments and any return from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the full amount invested. Please ensure that you read the Important Risk Information below. 

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