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Investment Funds News M And G Launch Global Equity Fund 18471771

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M and G Launch Global Equity Fund
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M and G Launch Global Equity Fund

05 February 2012 / by David Hughes

M&G are to launch a Global Equity fund to be managed by David Williams who currently manages the Prudential Global Growth Trust and is deputy fund manager of the £7 billion M&G Recovery Fund . 

The M&G International Specialist Equity Fund will have an initial charge of 4% and a annual management charge of 1.5%. A spokesperson for M&G said that “the merger of the Prudential Global growth trust with the M&G International Specialist Equity fund forms part of our integration strategy. although the fund will have the same manager and investment approach the M&G International Specialist Equity fund will have a more flexible investment mandate than the Prudential Global Growth trust which we believe offers investors the potential for superior long term returns”. 

The new fund will be allowed to use derivatives and up to 20% can be invested in fixed interest securities, collective schemes, money market instruments and cash. 

See below for our Select Fund range of global growth funds:


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Select Growth Funds – Global Growth
Fund Manager Fund Fund Manager Initial Charge¹ AMC³ Select Fund° Fact Sheet How to Invest
Jupiter Merlin Worldwide Portfolio 0% 0.75% yes Factsheet Apply Now >
To achieve long-term capital growth by investing predominantly in unit trusts, OEICs, Exchange Traded Funds and other collective investment schemes across several management groups. The underlying funds invest in international equities, fixed interest stocks, commodities and property. See latest fund factsheet for details.
Neptune Global Equity 0% 0.75% yes Factsheet Apply Now >
The investment objective of Neptune Global Equity Fund is to generate capital growth from a concentrated portfolio of global securities, selected from across world equity markets, with a view to attaining top quartile performance within the appropriate peer group. This is an international fund but there will be no restriction in terms of regional allocation. See latest fund factsheet for details.
Aberdeen World Equity 0% 1.00% yes Factsheet Apply Now >
The investment objective of Aberdeen World Equity Fund is to provide long term total return from an internationally diversified portfolio of equities. See latest fund factsheet for details.
M&G; Global Dividend 0% 0.75% yes Factsheet Apply Now >
The Fund aims to deliver a dividend yield above the market average, by investing mainly in a range of global equities. The Fund aims to grow distributions over the long-term whilst also maximising total return (the combination of income and growth of capital). See latest fund factsheet for details.

³AMC is the Annual Management Charge applied by the Fund Manager.

°Select Fund – See how our funds are selected

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