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Insurance News Saga Watch Out For Car Quirks On Continent 18108465

Saga: Watch out for car quirks on continent

03 April 2007
Now the frosts have lifted, a sojourn through Europe in the family car, windows down and spring breeze rolling in, may seem a tempting prospect for the Easter weekend getaway.

But Saga Insurance is reminding British drivers to check that their policy covers them for all eventualities on the continent and to beware subtle differences in the law of the road.

Adjusting to driving on the right may take only a moment, but many of the 3.1 million Britons predicted to migrate across the Channel this coming weekend may not know that in Spain, you are obliged to have two warning triangles with you in case of breakdown.

Meanwhile, carrying a first-aid kit is a mandatory safety measure a short hop away in Austria.

Finally, Saga urges drivers not to forget to flag their provenance with a GB sticker, obligatory across Europe.

Still, drivers may be relieved to learn that, whatever the hassles of arranging last-minute car insurance for this Easter weekend, buying insurance is set to become significantly simpler when the Department for Transport acts on plans to issue motor insurance certificates electronically.

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