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Insurance News Nintendo Could Wii Ly Damage Your Telly Warns Halifax 933

Written by Editorial Team

Nintendo could Wii-ly damage your telly, warns Halifax

10 December 2007
This Christmas’ must have gift – the Nintendo Wii – can cause serious damage to TVs, warns Halifax Home Insurance, which urges people to make sure their contents insurance is up to date.

The Wii is a computer console with hand held controls that are used in games as if they were a real racquet, golf club or even boxing glove, and with all the excitement of the game, players can accidentally throw their handsets at the telly, causing hundreds and even thousands of pounds worth of damage.

Halifax’s survey has discovered that the Nintendo Wii is the top ‘must–have’ gift this year, with 20 per cent of people planning to buy one this Christmas, and the insurer is now urging people to make sure their insurance companies know about any high value items, like plasma TVs, so that if they do get damaged accidentally, they are covered.

“We have noticed several home insurance claims for television screen damage coming through recently from people who have accidentally let go of the Wii handset, and with sales set to soar this Christmas, we anticipate lots more of these in the New Year,” said Martyn Foulds, Senior Claims Manager for Halifax Home Insurance.

“With some plasma screen TVs retailing at over £2,000, householders would be well advised to make sure they are properly covered and tell their insurer if they have a television of high value.”

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© Fair Investment Company Ltd

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