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Insurance News Lloyds TSB Warns Homeowners Protect Yourselves From Unpredictable Weather 18134894

Lloyds TSB warns homeowners: protect yourselves from unpredictable weather

01 May 2007
Although an April heatwave has not prompted too many complaints from sun-starved Britons, unpredictable weather conditions can be a threat as well as a blessing, Lloyds TSB has warned.

This weekend, the inhabitants of Folkestone in Kent discovered to their dismay that the unexpected can strike at any moment, when an earthquake measuring 4.3 on the Richter scale shook the soil.

The structural damage the quake caused to as many as 1,000 properties is now becoming evident as 40 families were evacuated from their homes, Shepway District Council reported.

Meanwhile, Lloyds TSB Insurance reported numerous claims relating to damaged outer walls, driveways, pathways, and chimneys among customers in the area.

The need to take pre-emptive action and guarantee that your home is covered in case of earthquake, flood or storm is more pressing than ever as environmental conditions become more wayward.

Key measures to take to back up a claim include retaining any damaged items, which insurers may want to examine, and attaching copies of receipts to claims forms, Lloyds TSB advised.

Find out more about Lloyds TSB home insurance

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