Kitchen klutzes cause £64million damage says Halifax Home Insurance
09 June 2008 / by Joy Tibbs
According to the study, British kitchens contain £2.6 billion of unused kitchen gadgets ranging from spice shakers to blenders. And, while women spend around £88 on culinary tools, men spend a third more – an average of £119.
It found that toasted sandwich makers were the most popular gadget, with 32 per cent of those owning one failing to make use of it, while 21 per cent of households with a blender had not used it in more than a year; 17 per cent of those with steamers, juicers and electric carving knives said the items were lying redundant at the back of a cupboard.
Meanwhile, many of the kitchen tools that are in use have caused costly damage, particularly when it comes to kitchen blow torches and electric carving knives. Accidents with appliances, for example slicing through worktops, have caused £64 million of damage, according to Halifax Home Insurance.
The survey revealed that men cause one and a half times more kitchen accidents than women, often because they fail to read instructions. Those living in the south east had spent the most on unused kitchen items at £119, while those in the Midlands wasted £80.
Head of underwriting at Halifax Home Insurance, David Rochester, said: “British kitchens are turning into a graveyard of unused gadgets. While Britons have the best intentions when buying kitchen gadgets, thousands of blenders, grills, steamers and juicers lie idle on worktops.
“Britons should ensure they always read the instructions before firing up a blow torch or electric carving knife as they could cause extensive damage to their property and potentially injure the user.
“Electrical items should be checked carefully, especially if they haven’t been used for a long time to ensure the plugs, wiring and heating elements have not been damaged, which could cause a fire or electrocute the user.”
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