Insurance News Half Of Brits Don't Know If Their Home Insurance Protects Them From Floods 2374
Half of Brits don’t know if their home insurance protects them from floods
20 October 2008 / by Rachel Mason
The majority of British homeowners say they do not feel they are prepared to cope in the event of a flood, according to new research from Zurich home insurance.
Sixty-five per cent of Brits say that if a flood hit in their area, they are not well enough prepared to deal with the consequences, with 44 per cent admitting they have no idea if their home insurance would even cover them.
The survey also revealed that 40 per cent of homeowners don’t know where to go for information about the risks of flooding.
The results are worrying, says Zurich, particularity when two thirds of people said they feel that the risk of flooding is higher now as a result of climate change with a quarter saying they feel the summer floods of 2007 make further flooding more likely.