Fair Investment

Insurance News Check Home Insurance Before Heading South For The Winter Says Confused Com 2511

Check home insurance before heading south for the winter says confused.com

17 November 2008 / by Rachael Stiles
Those Brits who are lucky enough to be heading off to sunnier climes this winter are being urged to check their home insurance policies before they go, just in case they come home to some nasty surprises.

Everyone who is thinking of escaping the British winter and leaving for warmer shores should check their home insurance cover, says Confused.com, to make sure their assets are fully protected.

“It is a stipulation on most home insurance policies that homes should not be left unoccupied for 30 consecutive days or more.” warns Darren Black, home insurance expert at Confused.com.

“For anyone planning on a month-long stay, whatever the time of year, it is essential that they make sure that there is someone staying in the house at some point whilst they are away to make sure home owners do not inadvertently invalidate their cover.”

Mr Black also offers some other suggestions for those planning on being away from their homes for extended periods of time. Homeowners could install automatic lighting that comes on and off occasionally to create the illusion that someone is home, be sure to cancel milk and newspaper deliveries so that it’s not obvious that they’re away, and make sure that all windows and doors are locked before they head off.

“It is important for anyone flying south for winter, be it to do a bush tucker trial or just to catch up some winter sun, to spend a couple of minutes ensuring that their nests are well and truly protected.” Mr Black added.

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