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Insurance News Burglary 'biggest Fear For Homeowners' 18254183

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Burglary ‘biggest fear for homeowners’

22 August 2007
UK homeowners fear burglary above other concerns such as vandalism, lack of home insurance and fraud, while many are showing increased concern over their identity being stolen.

Research conducted by Saga highlights burglary as the number one household fear in the UK, but more Brits are worried about ID theft than vandalism, indicative of a shifting emphasis on modern threats.

Overall, 82 per cent of respondents said they were concerned by ID theft compared to 89 per cent who put burglary at the top of their list of fears. Meanwhile more than three quarters (78 per cent) highlighted external property damage as a key concern.

Less than a third (29 per cent) said that flooding was of a worry, despite the recent flooding that took place across parts of the UK. Andrew Goodsell of Saga states that these results are relative to changing times.

“Twenty years ago identity theft was a rare occurrence, but now it is something everyone must be aware of,” he explains.

In related newsm parents are being urged to make sure that their children’s belongings are covered by home insurance following research from estimating the average schoolbag contents to be worth £265.

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