AA advises homeowners to liven up their ‘dead’ spaces
25 May 2007
One fifth of homeowners have taken on a conversion project in their home, with attic conversions the most popular option for 52 per cent of people.
Shelling out an average cost of £10,400 seems a small price to pay for the 27 per cent of people who hope their home improvements will hike their home’s value.
Nevertheless, one in five people is converting their home expressly to live in the new, improved space themselves, while another 17 per cent are simply in need of a bit more room.
With first-time home-buying a financial struggle, adult children are increasingly opting to live with parents, compelling 18 per cent of parents to convert their properties to accommodate the extra person.
“Many homeowners relish turning unused or ugly areas of their homes into liveable rooms,” remarked Janet Pell, head of home insurance at AA Insurance.
But ‘changing rooms’ means your home’s insurance status is transformed, she stressed.
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