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Ethical Investment News Ethical Investment Advice Is On The Rise 18470081

Ethical investment advice is on the rise

03 November 2009 / by Rebecca Sargent

The number of independent financial advisers (IFAs) offering financial advice on green and ethical investments has increased, research from the sustainable investment and finance association (UKSIF) has revealed.

According to the research, 87 per cent of IFAs now give advice on green and ethical investments, compared to just 70 per cent in 2008.

Commenting, Penny Shephard MBE, chief executive of UKSIF said: “I’m really encouraged that so many more IFAs are now advising on green and ethical investment, but this needs to be a part of their normal advice process if they are to help all interested clients.

“Today, you know where your supermarket food comes from; how it was raised or grown and make a choice based on that information. Unfortunately, people are not currently being offered the same transparency and choice as standard with financial advice,” she added.

The research comes ahead of National Ethical Investment Week, which runs from 8-14 November.

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Provider Product More Info
Global Eco Trends Fund More Info >
Socially responsible fund that aims to achieve long-term capital growth. Save 100% on Initial Charges.
Jupiter Ecology More Info >
The objective of the Fund is to achieve long-term capital appreciation together with a growing income consistent with a policy of protecting the environment. The Fund’s investment policy is to invest worldwide in companies which demonstrate a positive commitment to the long-term protection of the environment. See latest fund factsheet for details.
Ecclesiastical Amity International More Info >
Income Paid Quarterly. The Fund aims to achieve long term capital appreciation and a reasonable level of income by investing principally in International companies. The Amity International Fund seeks to invest in a portfolio of companies which make a positive contribution to society and the environment through sustainable and socially responsible practices. The Fund seeks to avoid investment in certain areas such as companies which have a material involvement in alcohol, tobacco and weapon production, gambling and publication of violent or explicit materials. See latest fund factsheet for details.
Schroders Global Climate Change Fund More Info >
The Fund’s investment objective is to provide capital growth primarily through investment in equities and securities of worldwide issuers which will benefit from efforts to accommodate or limit the impact of global climate change. Investment will be primarily in directly held transferable securities. The fund may also invest in collective investment schemes, cash, deposits, derivatives, warrants and money market instruments.See latest fund factsheet for details.

The value of investments and any return from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the full amount invested. Please ensure that you read the Important Risk Information below. 

Provider Product Income Yield More Info
Environmental Income 3.50%** More Info >
Focuses on investing in socially responsible companies to an income and long-term capital growth prospects. Save 100% on Initial Charges.
*The distribution yield reflects the amounts that may be expected to be distributed over the next twelve months as a percentage of the mid-market price of the fund as at the date shown. It is based on a snapshot of the portfolio on that day. The distribution yield is also the underlying yield for this fund. Information correct as at 30th October 2009.
**Historic Yield reflects distributions declared over the last 12 months as a percentage of the mid-market price of the fund as at 30th September 2009.
***Target yield

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