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Cut Your Bills News DAB Advise Debt Ridden Friends Rather Than Bail Them Out 18264015

DAB: Advise debt-ridden friends rather than bail them out

31 August 2007
Friends and family should be helped to manage their debt difficulties rather than simply given enough money to sort them out, according to the Debt Advice Bureau (DAB).

The company commented that this was a more productive way of ensuring that they get to grips with the “underlying” problem behind their financial troubles.

People may find themselves in arrears or with bad credit if a loan taken out is not paid back or though excessive credit card purchases.

Research from DebtSmart.com has found that lending to acquaintances may not be a good idea, with 59 per cent doing so, only for 32 per cent never to receive repayment.

Within the family, 70 per cent had given money although only 58 per cent got it back.

DAB director Stephen Rose commented that it is worthwhile not to borrow money if someone is already experiencing debt problems.

“In no short space of time debts are being wracked up again. That can’t go on ad infinitum; obviously the person getting in debt each time isn’t learning anything from it,” he said.

Money charity Credit Action has claimed that the UK has a collective personal debt mountain of £1.3 trillion.

Consumers can find out more about the debt advice on offer to them.

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