Consumers see green energy as ‘complex’
25 January 2008 / by None
The group noted that despite consumers being aware that greener energy is an important issue, just one per cent of them have switched to a greener provider.
Recent price hikes have prompted many consumers to consider switching their supplier, yet uSwitch says that only around 200,000 to 250,000 users have gone onto a greener option.
Most consumers that are switching providers are led by a combination of price and level of service provided, according to the group.
Commenting on this, Tim Wolfenden, head of home services for uSwitch, said: “Green definitely is an issue. I think on the energy side, consumers feel it’s a little complex. They don’t fully understand it … it’s not fully explained very well. So consumers haven’t really bought into it.”
Elsewhere, uSwitch has also revealed that unsecured personal loan customers could save around £1.25 billion by switching loan products mid-term.
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