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Cut Your Bills News Broadband Speeds Less Than 2Mbps For Millions 3365

Broadband speeds less than 2Mbps for millions

28 May 2009 / by Rebecca Sargent
An investigation into broadband speeds has revealed that as many as three million UK homes have speeds of less than 2Mbps (megabits per second).

The research, conducted by broadband website SamKnows for the BBC, found that in some areas broadband speeds are so slow that people are unable to shop online or use facilities like the BBC iPlayer.

However, contrary to popular belief, the research also found that the so-called ‘notspots’ are not just found in rural areas, Alex Salter, co-founder of SamKnows told the BBC:

“We had assumed that these notspots were in remote parts of the countryside. That may be where the most vocal campaigners are but there is a high incidence of them in commuter belts.”

According to the research, for homes to have broadband speeds of more than 2Mbps, they must be less than four kilometres away from an exchange.

The study comes ahead of Lord Carter’s Digital Britain Report, which is expected next month. The report will, according to experts, outline ways to combat the ‘notspots’ in an era when some countries are experiencing broadband speeds of up to 100Mbps.

Researchers at SamKnows now intend to spend more time investigating the broadband speed problem and produce a more accurate and comprehensive map.

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