Critical Illness Insurance

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Critical illness insurance provides a capital sum upon diagnosis of a specified illness or condition e.g. cancer, heart disease or permanent total disability. Our Service provides:

  •  Advice on what conditions Insurers cover
  • No obligation service

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Critical Illness Insurance Guide

Critical illness insurance provides financial protection against the risk of contracting a serious illness or medical condition as specified by the insurer. By paying a relatively small premium you are paying to ensure that if you become seriously ill and cannot work you will recieve a payout which can be used to fund medical treatment or other expenses. In calculating the critical illness insurance premium that you need to pay an insurer company will use an actuarial approach as well as claims experience to determine the likelihood of the risk event happening and cost this risk accordingly. 


Different Types of Illness Insurance

There are different types of life insurance cover available - see list provided below.


Type of Illness Insurance

Illness Insurance Features

Critical Illness Insurance

Provides financial peace of mind that in the event of diagnosis of a specified critical illness condition a lump sum will be paid out to the policyholder. Critical illness insurance can often be taken out in a combined policy with life insurance which can save costs.

Key Person Critical Illness Insurance

Key person insurance provides financial cover to businesses in the event that a member of staff is unable to work to due to serious illness or disability. The loss os such an individual can have significant financial consequences on a business. Cover would also normally cover the key persons income and benefits which the business would still be liable to cover.

Payment Protection Insurance

Provides protection in the event of accident, sickness or unemployment (ASU) or death to the policyholder and is normally taken out in conjunction with a credit agreement when obtaining a loan or credit card. PPI as it is often called normally covers debt repayments for a period of 12 months after which time the onus falls back on the policyholder to cover the repayments. In recent times this type of cover has been criticised with banks being ordered to repay missold PPI back to customers.

Terminal Illness Insurance

This type of cover is often combined with life insurance and critical illness insurance policies and provides financial protection in the event of diagnosis of a terminal illness where you are not expected to live beyond a set period e.g. 12 months.


Guide to buying critical illness insurance

As with many things in life the more time you put into something the more you will get out and with buying critical illness insurance spending some time understanding what to look out for can save you both time and money in the long run and should ensure that you end up with the right cover. Things to consider:


  • Check what existing critical illness insurance you have - Depending on the cover required you may find that you have critical illness insurance taken out by your employer as part of your benefits package. Once you have done this check what you are covered for and what you are not. People don't often know what exclusions apply until a claim is made.
  • Using a Comparison website - Online comparison websites provide a useful and easy way of getting insurance quotes. However for critical illness insurance in our view it makes sense to talk to a specialist insurance broker to ensure you get the right cover. This is more crucial if you have pre existing medical condition.
  • Using a Life Insurance broker - If you are not sure what cover you need or want somebody to help you through the process there are many life insurance brokers who will be happy to help. A good life insurance broker will not help you in buying critical illness insurance but also provide support in the event that you need to make a claim. We use Torquil Clark life insurance brokers who are part of the Skipton Group to help people find the critical illness insurance quotes. If you intend to use a broker you should check their FCA registration on the FCA website.
  • Providing correct information - In assessing the insurance risk an insurance company will rely on the information that you give as being accurate. Information provided will determine whether insurance is provided and the cost of premiums. It is therefore important that any information you provide is correct e.g. for critical illness insurance factors such as previous medical history can have a material impact on the premium you are required to pay. Non disclosure of such information at the time of application can result in a non payout in the event of a claim. If you are using an insurance broker this is where valuable advice can be provided.
  • Cheapest is not always best - With critical illness insurance policies you generally get what you pay for so before you sign up e.g. reviewable life insurance policies where the premium is subject to a review after say 5 years will be cheaper than guaranteed life insurance policies where the premium will not change through the term. Also different life insurance companies will cover different conditions or may have different policies so comparing policies on a like for like basis is not easy and so price should not be the only factor considered. 
  • Changing your mind - You have the right to change your mind within a set period normally 14 days from purchase of the critical illness insurance policy and have your premium returned.
  • Type of Policy - with critical illness cover, survival for a certain period, normally 14 days, from diagnosis is normally required. The policy can be arranged as a stand alone policy or as an add-on to a life policy e.g. level term assurance, mortgage protection or a whole life insurance policy.



  • Critical illness can strike at any time and the policy is designed to pay out on diagnosis of a specified condition which will provides financial peace of mind in a time of personal crisis
  • The proceeds from the policy are tax free
  • It is possible to protect yourself against a wide range of conditions and illnesses, and so it is important to choose the right policy for you



  • Premiums are more expensive compared to conventional life cover.
  • Comparing polices from different companies is difficult because terms and conditions can vary widely.
  • Medical evidence will be required and possibly a medical examination for those in poor health or those requiring significant levels of cover


If you are not sure about which type of life insurance or critical illness insurance is right for you complete our critical illness insurance quotes enquiry form to speak to an expert.