Start repaying credit card debt first, graduates told
13 June 2007
While many students stay loyal to their undergraduate bank until their final exams, they are free to switch once they’ve qualified and paid off their overdraft, the finance site’s spokesperson Andrew Hagger commented.
Six of Britain’s banks provide tailored graduate accounts, he added.
But many graduates will also have debts to clear, Mr Hagger remarked, and they should make sure they prioritise appropriately.
Students tend to borrow from a range of sources including the Student Loans Company, parents and credit card providers.
Recent graduates should “always look to repay your most expensive debt first”, Mr Hagger advised.
Repaying a student loan, meanwhile, can wait, since low interest rates make them a less pressing burden.
Earlier this week, the Royal Bank of Scotland introduced a Graduate Royalties account which offers a three-stage £2,000 overdraft facility or a £2,000 interest-free loan.
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