Morgan Stanley warns young over fraud risk
11 January 2007
The second most common mistake is using the same passwords or pins for every bank account – 27 per cent of people are culprits.
With concerns still rife around online banking fraud, as many as five per cent of people are sending bank details over unencrypted email.
“Britons are not taking heed of warnings to protect themselves,” cautioned Patrick Muir, marketing director of Morgan Stanley Credit Card.
“Worryingly, many people still don’t believe it could happen to them,” he added.
The technologically savvy younger generation are, surprisingly, the most clueless when it comes to keeping banking safe – as many as 59 per cent of under-30s dispose of unshredded bank details and 31 per cent of them used the same password or pin for all their accounts.
Alarmingly, as many as 45 per cent of young people could be unwitting victims of fraud – since they do not check their bank statements.
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