Credit Card News Fair Investment Launches New Credit Card Comparison Service 571
Fair Investment launches new credit card comparison service
10 October 2007 / by None
Available on the website – – the new tool allows consumers to search through more than 220 cards to find the one that best fits their own personal financial needs and circumstances.
Search categories within the new tool include 0% balance transfer deals and interest free purchase cards, cash back and prepay cards, charity and football club cards and deals for people with bad credit.
And the advanced search option allows consumers to narrow their search even further so that the system only displays cards that offer specific features, like reward schemes, airmiles, green credentials, or online access.
James Caldwell, director at Fair Investment Company says he thinks the new tool is going to be very popular.
“In this day and age, people have very clear ideas about what they want from their credit cards. They don’t just want a credit card,” he said.
“Most people will already have an idea in their head, and will want to find the card that fits that idea, whether it is a card that will make a charity donation every time they use it, or one that will help them to offset their impact on the environment,” continued Mr Caldwell.
“Some choose cards that support their football team, while cashback or reward schemes are the motivation for others, but with so many credit cards on the market, it is difficult to know which one is offering what they actually want.
“Our new comparison service helps the consumer to carry out a quick search that allows them to pick their own criteria and therefore get everything they want from their credit card.”
Start using the new credit card comparison tool
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