Credit Card News Credit And Debit Card Holders Suffer 'Pin Blindness' 8493898
Credit and debit card holders suffer ‘Pin blindness’
16 May 2005
Research from financial services marketing company Teamspirit found recently that the average British consumer has two Pin numbers and eight passwords and usernames to remember.
With so many different numbers to remember, and the introduction of Chip and Pin payment services making them even more important, it seems that forty per cent of the people interviewed by Teamspirit were ‘Pin blind’ – they could not remember their Pin number when prompted.
“We encountered occasions where a respondent had written the Pin on the reverse of the card because they forget it so often. This is a huge security risk,” said Jo Parker, head of Teamspirit.
According to Teamspirit, a significant number of people, whether they suffer from Pin blindness or not, are putting their cards at risk by writing down their Pins and keeping them next to their credit cards in their wallet or purse.
By the end of the year, the majority of transactions using debit and credit cards are expected to be performed using Chip and Pin technology.
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