Credit Card News Consumers Warned Over Credit Card Scams 2997108
Consumers warned over credit-card scams
15 March 2004
Some of the fake websites involve innocent consumers’ bank accounts used to direct stolen good sales’ profits straight to criminals.
Frank Wilkins, vice-president of Risk Management for Visa Europe, explained to BBC News Online that efforts to stamp out credit card fraud were making criminals look for new ways to commit crimes: “E-commerce is a growing area of our business and it is unfortunate that as the business grows fraud grows too,” he said.
Some of the adverts are using real charity names and copies of their websites to lure in innocent victims. The National Hi-Tech Crime Unit is reportedly aware of the cons and is at present investigating cases.
Already large numbers are known to have responded to adverts, some of which have appeared on online job site Monster.
Hernan Daguerre, the European director of communications for Monster advised applicants to be cautious when replying to adverts and try not to reveal great amounts of personal details.