Credit Card News Citibank And American Express Ban Online Gambling On Their Cards 3674755
Citibank and American Express ban online gambling on their cards
21 October 2004
American Express and Citibank have banned their UK customers from using their credit cards on online gambling sites.
This is an extension of a pre-existing ban that the companies had in place for their US customers, where online gambling is illegal.
“We introduced this nearly four years ago because of the high instances of disputed transactions and fraudulent charges,” said AMEX, which also blocks pornographic websites.
The move was said to “smack of a nanny state”, by a spokesman from the online gambling industry – especially after the introduction of the government’s new Gambling Bill.
This is designed to protect consumers and sees the introduction of a new Gambling Commission.
However, some groups think increased access to gambling could fuel the UK’s debt crisis.© DeHavilland Information Services plc