Compare Barclays Bank Loans

Top UK Personal Loan Offer

Great Personal Loan Rate from the Post Office

  • Rates from 5.3% APR*
  • Loans available for 1 to 7 years
  • Borrow up to £25,000
  • No arrangement fees or hidden charges
  • Instant online decision
  • Funds transferred within 2 working days
  • No penalty for over payments
  • Good credit history only
Post Office Personal Loan » *Representative for loans between £7,500 and £14,999

Selected Personal Loan Deals

Loan Type
AA Personal Loan
6.1% APR
Representative (£7,500-£24,999)
Loan Term
1 to 7 Years
£1,000 to £25,000
Representative Example: Based on a loan of £10,000 at 6.1% per annum fixed for 5 years. Representative 6.1% APR. Total amount repayable £11,581.78 at £193.03 per month for 60 months.
Loan Type
Santander Personal Loan
6.0% APR
Representative (£7,500-£25,000)
Loan Term
1 to 5 Years

£1,000 to £25,000
Excellent Credit Only!

Representative Example: Based on a loan of £10,000 at 6.0% per annum fixed for 5 years. Representative 6.0% APR. Total amount repayable £11,555.40 at £192.59 per month for 60 months.
Loan Type
M&S Bank Personal Loan
6.2% APR
Representative (£7,500-£15,000)
Loan Term
1 to 7 Years

£1,000 to £25,000
Excellent Credit Only!

Representative Example: Based on a loan of £10,000 at 6.2% per annum fixed for 5 years. Representative 6.2% APR. Total amount repayable £11,608.20 at £193.47 per month for 60 months.

Are you an existing customer of one of the banks below?

If you are an existing customer a number of banks provide preferential deals for personal loans.

Selected Existing Customer Loan Deals

There are no tables for this criteria

Barclays Bank Loan Features

  • Borrow between £1,000 and £50,000
  • Borrow over a term of 24 to 60 months
  • Borrow at the same rates regardless of whether you’re planning on using the loan for a car, home improvements, or something else entirely
  • Manage your budget easily with fixed monthly loan repayments
  • Get an instant online indication of the loan limit you might be offered, without affecting your credit rating, using Barclays Online Banking
  • Rated 5 stars by Defaqto 2014

In order to be eligible to apply for Barclays bank personal loan, you must:

  • Have held a Barclays current account for at least seven months
  • Have paid at least £1,000 into the account each month
  • Have a good credit history
  • Not be intending to use the money for investment, property purchase or a number of other reasons as set down in their terms and conditions

Although the maximum amount Barclays offer with a personal loan is £50,000 that does not mean everyone can borrow that amount, the maximum amount each person can borrow will be dependent on their credit score and financial circumstances.

Barclays Bank Loan calculator

Barclays bank offer a loan calculator tool that can give you an idea of what your personal loan repayments might be. You just need to enter how much you wish to borrow and how long you want the repayment period to be. However the Barclays loan calculator can only give you a rough idea, if you do apply for a Barclays loan they may tailor the annual percentage rate they are willing to offer you based on an assessment of your credit score and other financial information.

Things to consider

Loans, like most financial products vary hugely between the different plans and lenders. The best option for you is not necessarily the best option for everyone. Therefore doing your research and shopping around beforehand is a good idea, to try and find the best option for you. Barclays bank is after all just one lender of many. Check the above comparison tables to get an idea of some of the options available to you.

Flexible Homeowner Loan

From £25,000 to £1m

  • Rates from 3.65% APR
  • Term – 3 to 35 Years
  • Loans for any purpose
  • You need to be a homeowner with a mortgage

Call us on 0117 980 7743 

Homeowner Loan Representative Example:

The Representative APRC is 5.9%Based on an assumed loan amount of £48,000 (including broker fee of £2,505 & product fee of £495) over 240 months at an interest rate of 5% (varaible). Monthly repayment £316.78 & total repayable £76,027.20.