Insurance News Says Many Unsure Of Travel Insurance 18264065 says many unsure of travel insurance
03 September 2007
According to the Gapyear Company, many see the precaution of travel insurance as an obligation and that they “spend more time buying a pen knife” than shopping for cover.
It may also be that the measure is considered a financial stretch too far, with many already using credit cards or a loan to pay for their travels.
The firm added that 230,000 people take gap years between 18 and 24 years old, yet 25 per cent set off without travel insurance.
“A lot of the young travellers don’t actually know what [insurance] is or what it does – they see it more as an obligation as opposed to actually understanding that it’s useful for emergencies,” said Tom Griffiths, founder of the firm.
The Gapyear Company is a commercial venture offering support services for young people taking time abroad.
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