Cut Your Bills News ScottishPower Cuts Gas And Electricity Prices By 54 Pounds A Year 3013
ScottishPower cuts gas and electricity prices by £54 a year
03 March 2009 / by Rachel Mason
From March 31, customers will see their gas cut by an average of 7.5 per cent and electricity by three per cent – an average saving of £54 a year.
But says that although any price cuts should be encouraged, ScottishPower, like all but one of the other big suppliers, is still failing to make its price cuts immediate – only British Gas customers have actually seen these cuts appear on their bills. Its reductions came into effect on February 19.
“British Gas laid down the gauntlet yesterday when it pointed out that it was still the only supplier to have actually cut prices for customers whereas other suppliers’ reductions are yet to come into effect,” said Will Marples, energy expert at
“It’s still the case today with ScottishPower, but it does mean that its customers are one step closer to lower prices.
“Consumers are getting nearer to the point when they will benefit from lower wholesale energy prices, but it is taking time and price cuts so far are averaging out at 4.6% or £60– realistically these will only make a small dent in household energy bills.
Mr Marples continued, “consumers should be thinking of giving themselves a price cut today – move to dual fuel, pay by direct debit and sign up to an online plan so that you can enjoy lower prices straight away.
“Switching to a competitive plan could cut your energy bills by up to £350.”
To find out more about how you can switch suppliers to get a better deal, compare gas and electricity quotes from all energy suppliers and switch to the best deal.
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