Cut Your Bills News European Parliament Backs Mobile Roaming Charges Cap 18117199
European Parliament backs mobile roaming charges cap
13 April 2007
The charges telecommunications companies place on customers using mobile phones while abroad within the EU came under scrutiny last month when media commissioner Viviane Reding denounced them as “unjustifiably high”.
Under the parliament’s proposals, all mobile phone users in the European Union will automatically be liable to pay capped roaming prices, instead of individual consumers having to opt-in as had been suggested.
The last-minute capitulation of the Liberals group of MEPs on the parliamentary committee ensured that the measure was voted through.
The decision was “a big turnaround and a big victory for consumers,” declared Joseph Muscat, an MEP piloting the legislation through the European parliament.
The European Commission is expect to put pressure on the parliament and member states to finalise the details of the roaming price caps before the great summer getaway.
According to a study from, three quarters of Britons are in the dark about how much they are charged in current roaming fees for making and receiving calls while abroad.
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