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Cut Your Bills News Energywatch Advises Consumers To Wait For Best Energy Deal 18419902

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Energywatch advises consumers to ‘wait for best energy deal’

10 January 2008 / by None
Energywatch has advised consumers to “wait until the dust settles” in the wake of recent price increases before seeking out the best energy prices.

The best policy is to wait and see which companies increase their prices over the coming weeks before switching provider, according to the group.

A spokesman for the company has branded the increases neither “unavoidable for companies nor fair for consumers”, adding that wholesale gas price has been “forced up because the major European energy gas producers are able to raid the UK for gas when it’s cheap and then sell us gas at a premium when demand is higher”.

The group stresses that it is easy for consumers to switch providers using one of the switching sites accredited by the energywatch Confidence Code.

However, the UK’s biggest power firms have also announced they are changing the way they charge for gas, moving toward regional prices as opposed to a fixed one across the country.

Consumer groups warn this could make a confusing situation worse, with Northern England customers set to pay almost £100 more than those in Scotland.

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