Cut Your Bills News EDF's Late Foray Into Gas War Goes Online 18077120
EDF’s late foray into gas war goes online
02 March 2007
By signing up to the new online tariff, a customer would commit to a yearly bill of around £819, instead of the £929 paid by the standard dual fuel customer, according to’s calculations.
The tariff, which applies to customers buying both gas and electricity from the single supplier, will now be available in ten of the UK’s 14 energy regions.
“Suppliers are sending out a clear message to consumers that online is the way to go,”’s energy product manager Geoff Slaughter commented, noting that whichever provider they buy from, customers who choose online energy pay £69 less than those with standard tariffs.
The new online tariff from EDF Energy will be for sale only via online switching and price comparison websites, which have played a critical role in the gas war so far, charting every move and explaining its tactical importance to customers at risk of feeling disoriented in a fast-changing energy pricing landscape.
To compare gas and electricity prices, click here.
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