Jupiter Investments
If you are looking to invest then Jupiter’s range of investment funds are worth a closer look.
Jupiter Selected Funds
Fund Name | Ongoing Charge (OCF) | 1 Year Return* | 5 Year Return* | Factsheet |
Jupiter European | 0.99% | 2.62% | 81.88% | |
Jupiter UK Smaller Companies | 1.42% | 4.47% | 89.19% | |
Jupiter UK Mid Cap | 1.13% | 7.35% | 73.46% | |
Jupiter Strategic Bond | 0.73% | 1.96% | 27.38% | |
Jupiter Merian North American Equity | 0.95% | 12.62% | 120.85% | |
Jupiter Ecology | 0.80% | 17.82% | 91.97% | |
Jupiter China | 0.99% | 19.63% | 61.7% | |
Jupiter Merian Asia Pacific | 1% | 32.2% | 144.33% | |
Jupiter Corporate Bond | 0.64% | 6.6% | 32.28% |
As at 25/2/2021
Review Jupiter investments
Jupiter is an asset management company that offers a range of investment product options to choose from.
The Jupiter investment product you choose will depend on your investment needs, the range of Jupiter investments spans from ethical products to ISAs.
Some of the products on offer from Jupiter investments include:
- ISAs – A range of investment to provide tax efficient returns.
- International funds – Invest your savings in global markets
- Unit trusts – Choose from a range of funds from low-risk to speculative risk depending on your investment risk profile.
For more information on each of the selected funds above see the factsheet for latest Jupiter fund information and performance stats.
Important Risk Information:
This website contains information only and does not constitute advice or a personal recommendation in any way whatsoever. The value of investments and income from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the full amount invested. The tax efficiency of ISAs is based on current tax law and there is no guarantee that tax rules will stay the same in the future.
Different types of investment carry different levels of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Prior to making any decision to invest, you should ensure that you are familiar with the risks associated with a particular investment and should read the product literature. If you are in any doubt as to the suitability of a particular investment, both in respect of its objectives and its risk profile, you should seek independent financial advice.
* Details of how the Financial Services Compensation Scheme applies to investment firms can be found at fscs.org.uk.