Free Experian Report
Credit Report Providers
Free Experian Report
If you have been refused credit when applying for a loan, credit card or mortgage, it could be down to your credit history. Lenders base their decisions on whether or not to lend customers money on their applications and also, on their credit histories. With a free Experian report (30 day trial), you can see exactly what the lenders see, and more, which could help you find out why you have been refused and what you can do about it.
Your Free Experian report details your personal financial history, including information about any money you have borrowed, details on you repayments and any payments you have missed, any applications you have made for loans, credit cards or mortgages and any court judgements against you. It will also contain information about your current address. This is based on the electoral role and is important information that lenders use to help check that you are who you say you are and live where you say you live, which is why it is important that you make sure the details on your report are correct.
With your free Experian report 30 day trial, you get:
- unlimited online access to your credit report
- the opportunity to review your credit history before you apply for a loan, credit card or mortgage
- alerts by text or e-mail, for early detection of ID fraud
- free advice from credit reference specialists
- help with managing your finances through credit tips and tools
Once you have checked your free Experian report you may be able to see why you have been refused credit in the past. If the data is incorrect or unfair, Experian will help you challenge it, or put explanatory notes with any circumstances that need justification i.e. if you missed a payment due to illness, but it has never happened before or since.
If the details are accurate, you may also be able to do something about it – like pay off any loans that are outstanding, or remove any ex-partners whose details may be affecting your report due to a joint account you may have once held.