Compare Birmingham Midshires Fixed Rate Bonds
Savings Offer – 1 Year Fixed Rate
1 Year Fixed Rate
Earn 4.45% AER Fixed Interest
- Provider – Hampshire Trust Bank
- Minimum deposit – £1
- Interest paid at maturity
- Fixed rate for 1 year
Birmingham Midshire Fixed Rate Bonds
Fixed term bonds can vary but they usually share some features such as;
- You always know the rate of interest your investment will earn
- You are protected against falls in interest rates for the full term
- A set minimum and maximum deposit amount
- Option to receive interest monthly or annually
Fixed rate bonds will suit you if you have a lump sum that you don’t need access to, because fixed rate bonds are designed to hold the money for the fixed time period, which allows the investment to grow – however, it is difficult to access that sum if you want it before the term is due to end without incurring a forfeit.
Fixed Rate Bond Provider Links
- AA Fixed Rate Bonds
- Abbey Fixed Rate Bonds
- Access Bank Fixed Rate Bonds
- Alliance and Leicester Fixed Rate Bonds
- Aldermore Fixed Rate Bonds
- Bank of Cyprus Fixed Rate Bonds
- Bank of Scotland Fixed Rate Bonds
- Barclays Fixed Rate Bonds
- Barnsley Building Society Fixed Rate Bonds
- Bath Building Society Fixed Rate Bonds
- Birmingham Midshires Fixed Rate Bonds
- Bradford and Bingley Fixed Rate Bonds
- Britannia Fixed Rate Bonds
- Cambridge Building Society Fixed Rate Bonds
- Cater Allen Fixed Rate Bonds
- Chelsea Building Society Fixed Rate Bonds
- Chesham Building Society Fixed Rate Bonds
- Clydesdale Bank Fixed Rate Bonds
- Co-operative Bank Fixed Rate Bonds
- Coventry Building Society Fixed Rate Bonds
- Darlington Building Society Fixed Rate Bonds
- Derbyshire Building Society Fixed Rate Bonds
- Dunfermline Building Society Fixed Rate Bonds
- First Save Fixed Rate Bonds
- Ford Money Fixed Rate Bonds
- Halifax Fixed Rate Bonds
- HSBC Fixed Rate Bonds
- ICICI Bank Fixed Rate Bonds
- ING Direct Fixed Rate Bonds
- Ipswich Building Society Fixed Rate Bonds
- Julian Hodge Fixed Rate Bonds
- Kent Reliance Fixed Rate Bonds
- KRBS Fixed Rate Bonds
- Leeds Building Society Fixed Rate Bonds
- Lloyds Fixed Rate Bonds
- Masthaven Bank Fixed Rate Bonds
- Nationwide Fixed Rate Bond
- NatWest Fixed Rate Bonds
- Newcastle Building Society Fixed Rate Bonds
- Northern Rock Fixed Rate Bonds
- Nottingham Building Society Fixed Rate Bonds
- Post Office Fixed Rate Bond
- RBS Fixed Rate Bonds
- RCI Bank Fixed Rate Bonds
- Saga Fixed Rate Bonds
- Sainsbury’s Fixed Rate Bonds
- Santander Fixed Rate Bonds
- Scottish Widows Bank Fixed Rate Bonds
- Skipton Building Society Fixed Rate Bond
- Standard Life Fixed Rate Bonds
- Tesco Fixed Rate Bonds
- Vanquis Bank Fixed Rate Bonds
- West Bromwich Fixed Rate Bonds
- Yorkshire Bank Fixed Rate Bonds
- Yorkshire Building Society Fixed Rate bonds